Working with a Business Law Attorney

Business and Corporate Law | June 22, 2016
In order to conduct a successful business in today’s economy, your business will need to be aware of and work within a variety of highly complex business laws just to be competitive in the marketplace. Bearing that in mind, you should consider work…
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Understanding Non-Compete Agreements

Business and Corporate Law | August 10, 2016
Non-Compete agreements are designed to protect the interests of a company. Many companies require that employees sign such documents upon hire. Signing a non-compete usually means employees agree not to start a competing business or work for a compet…
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Liability in a Construction Lawsuit

Business and Corporate Law | August 15, 2016
When most people find a design flaw in the architecture of a piece of property, they immediately blame the architect; in reality, a construction defect can happen in many other times during construction and must be investigated thoroughly. When there…
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Establishing Child Support

Divorce and Family Law | August 5, 2015
In Iowa, it is the responsibility of the parent without physical custody to pay child support. These payments last until the child is 18 years of age unless a court declares otherwise. There are…
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Private vs. Public Agency Adoptions

Divorce and Family Law | August 21, 2015
The decision to adopt a child is a life-altering choice that brings immense joy to a child and his or her new parents. Adoption offers an option to individuals and couples who want to grow their families by bringing a child without parents into their…
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Alimony Arrangements

Divorce and Family Law | October 12, 2015
During the course of arranging a divorce settlement, you will have to make a number of additional agreements with your ex-spouse such as child support, child custody, and alimony. Alimony is a financial tool for…
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Working Through Matters of Family Law

Divorce and Family Law | December 8, 2015
The legal processes associated with just about any aspect of family law can be quite difficult to work through on your own, let alone understand. As such, these legal matters should be handled by an experienced …
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Forms of Domestic Violence

Divorce and Family Law | January 7, 2016
Domestic violence is defined as any violent or aggressive behavior within the home, usually between partners or spouses whose once peaceful relationship has turned violent. Domestic violence is a serious event that has the potential to hurt a spouse …
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Child Support after Remarriage

Divorce and Family Law | July 27, 2016
Divorced spouses often determine child support before either has remarried. Typically, remarriage does not change child support or visitation rights. However, no arrangement is permanent, and so…
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Understanding Show Cause Cases

Divorce and Family Law | August 3, 2016
A contempt case, otherwise known as an application for rule to show cause, is an opportunity to explain yourself if you are accused of violating the terms of a legally binding divorce agreement. A divo…
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Divorce Versus Legal Separation

Divorce and Family Law | May 30, 2017
The American Psychological Association reports that between 40% and 50% of marriages end in divorce—a well-known statistic. In some cases, people may not know there are other options. One of these possible alt…
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3 Ways to Establish Paternity in Child Custody and Support Cases

Divorce and Family Law | June 21, 2017
Child custody and child support cases are among the most difficult in family law because the future and well-being of children are involved. Parents want what is best for their children and try to see them as much as possible under the circumstances….
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By Justin D. Riem

How do I establish, contest, or disestablish paternity?

Divorce and Family Law | April 4, 2019
Becoming a parent can be a life changing experience. Whether you are married or single, the mother or father, or an alleged father, the concept of paternity is a vast and important aspect of family law. Definitions First, you should know s…
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Stepparent Adoption

Written by Alexandra Doner | November 6, 2019
Sometimes, a situation arises where someone wishes to adopt a child who is the biological child of his or her spouse and a third-party. Before doing so, the prospective adoptive parent should carefully consider the ramifications of adoption for every…
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What Happens When You and Your Co-Parent Cannot Agree?

Written by Alexandra Doner | September 15, 2023
In Iowa, parents who have joint legal custody of a minor child must consult one another and reach agreements on major decisions in various areas including medical care, education, extracurriculars, and religious upbringing. In the best-case scenario,…
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By Justin D. Riem

How Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income Can Affect Child Support

Written by Justin Riem | March 28, 2019
According to the Iowa Child Support Guidelines, child support will be set using the parents’ net monthly incomes, among other factors. Often, the parties will dispute how to calculate the other’s income; typically arguing their personal income is…
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By Justin D. Riem

How do I establish, contest, or disestablish paternity?

Written by Justin Riem | April 4, 2019
Becoming a parent can be a life changing experience. Whether you are married or single, the mother or father, or an alleged father, the concept of paternity is a vast and important aspect of family law. Definitions First, you should know s…
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By Justin D. Riem

What is the process for getting a name change?

Written by Justin Riem | April 9, 2019
Whether it is for you or your child, in order to get a name changed, you will need to obtain a court order. Name changes can be granted as part of divorce proceedings, but only for the soon-to-be ex-spouses, not for their children. Outside of divorce…
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By Justin D. Riem

What is Domestic Abuse?

Written by Justin Riem | April 15, 2019
“Domestic abuse” is a rather general term, which, hopefully, you may never need to know or experience. However, if you are a victim or an alleged abuser, this brief article should give you a basic rundown of Iowa’s domestic abuse statute, how i…
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By Justin D. Riem

What Happens to Custody and Visitation when a Parent Moves?

Written by Justin Riem | April 18, 2019
An issue frequently arises when parties have a minor child together and one parent wants to relocate with the minor child. For purposes of this article, the motives behind the relocation will not be discussed, although they can play an important part…
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Dissolution of Marriage: Factors Affecting Custody Rights

Written by Justin Riem | November 6, 2019
Under Iowa law, when the Court makes a determination regarding which parent or parents should have custody of a child or children, the Court looks at what serves the best interests of the child or children. A determinative factor of the best interest…
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