Nicholas Brendon, 44-year-old “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” star, was arrested in Saratoga Springs on September 30th after an alleged dispute with his girlfriend resulted in charges of domestic violence.

Lieutenant Bob Gillson stated that they received a call from a local hotel around 11:00 p.m. and responded to a scene where a 33-year-old woman was alone in one of the rooms. She was reported to have been returning Brendon’s personal belongings after a break-up. Brendon was found a few blocks from the hotel.

Brendon allegedly did not want the woman to leave and forcibly took her keys and threw her cell phone, breaking it. The woman also accused the actor of grabbing and choking her while she was pinned against a wall. Police said alcohol was involved.

Brendon has already been arrested three times this year for crimes that have been related to excessive consumption of alcohol.

If you have been a victim of domestic violence in Cedar Rapids, do not hesitate to consult with our legal team at Arenson Law Group, PC to learn how you can defend yourself from a legal standpoint. Call us now at (319) 220-6700.

Written by James H. Arenson

Last Updated : October 17, 2015