Cedar Rapids Employment Agreement Lawyers

Although Iowa is an “employment-at-will” state and employers are not required to offer written contracts to their employees, many Cedar Rapids businesses still choose to offer employment agreements.

Employment agreements are designed to protect both an employee and employer for the duration of their professional relationship. As such, employment agreements can be critical to ensuring that a Cedar Rapids company’s top-level employees will perform and behave as expected so long as their employment agreement dictates.

The Cedar Rapids employment agreement lawyers at Arenson Law Group, PC are prepared to help your business draft legally defensible employment agreements that align with your long and short-term business goals.

The Terms of an Employment Agreement

Employment agreements offer guidelines on the relationship between your Cedar Rapids-area company and select employees. In addition to letting employees know what is expected of them, employment agreements can outline the following:

  • Determine compensation
  • Offer protections to the employee should your company be sold
  • Outline any actions or behaviors that will result in termination

Employment agreements work in the best interests of Cedar Rapids employers and employees alike. Such contracts can also help attract highly skilled and motivated professionals to your company.

Frequently Asked Questions

Employment agreements are extremely important, which means they can also be stressful. Read the answers to some of the questions we hear most below to give yourself some peace of mind.

Why do I need an employment agreement lawyer?

It is essential that an employer has an experienced attorney to help them draft any legally binding agreement, including employment contracts. Having a legal advocate on your side is crucial. An employment agreement lawyer will ensure that your rights are safeguarded and protected. An attorney may also advise you on the complex language and clauses involved in drawing up an employment agreement that will fit your organization’s needs. In the event of a dispute or a breach, an employment agreement lawyer can find a proper legal resolution with regards to federal and state employment laws.

Why is having an employment agreement important?

Both an employer and an employee should sign a binding legal agreement that clearly defines the terms of their working relationship. This type of contractual relationship protects all parties involved and cannot be terminated outside of the methods discussed in the employment agreement. With an employment agreement, neither party can violate the other’s rights, or shirk their own duties, without consequence.

What types of details should be outlined in an employment agreement?

An employment agreement should outline the employee’s job duties and their salary. Other essential details should include the duration of the employment, information regarding the employee’s benefits (health insurance, vacation, bonuses), and the grounds for termination of employment. In addition, any terms of noncompetition, the protection and ownership of any intellectual property (trade secrets, patents), and methods of resolving disputes regarding the employment agreement should also be included within an employment contract.

What are the advantages of having an employment agreement?

The advantages of having an employment agreement are that it can contain a high level of specific details regarding the conditions of employment between an employee and employer. For example, it allows both parties to outline the terms under which they are willing to work together. An outline of working terms is essential for corporations that have copyrighted material or certain secrets of the trade that must be protected from theft. An employment agreement also protects the employer if a future dispute arises between a company and an employee in which a written agreement can be used as evidence.

Most importantly, employment agreements can help nurture a positive relationship between the employer and the employee. An employment agreement may create a sense of organization and structure as well as provide a sense of stability and security to ensure a good working relationship between a company and an employee.

What if the employment agreement is breached?

Employment agreements are legally binding, so if either party violates the terms of an employment agreement, they can be penalized. Certain employment agencies could also investigate an employer or an employee. Any breach of an employment contract can also lead to a lawsuit. The terms of disputes or violations of employment terms that are contained within a contract should be specified in the agreement itself, usually within an arbitration clause, which outlines what a specific party is entitled to when an agreement is breached. An employment agreement lawyer will be able to assess how the contract was breached and if the party involved has a valid case.

Contact a Cedar Rapids Employment Agreement Lawyer To Learn More

At Arenson Law Group, PC, our Cedar Rapids-area legal team is prepared to both help you draft employment agreements and, when necessary, enforce the terms of those agreements. To discuss the particulars of your business’ legal needs with one of our experienced business lawyers today, please call (319) 220-6700.

(319) 220-6700