Cedar Rapids Articles of Incorporation / Organization Attorneys
Before any business or company can be recognized as a legitimate organization, it must first obtain articles of incorporation or organization. When forming a corporation, articles of incorporation are needed to officially be recognized by the government. Articles of organization will be needed to form a limited liability company (LLC). These documents serve a registration purpose that requires complicated forms and a full application process.
The Cedar Rapids articles of incorporation and organization attorneys at Arenson Law Group, PC are able to assist you and your budding business with the appropriate forms and filing practices. Our team can also help you understand your options and finalize decisions before taking your first steps as a company.
Registration Requirements
In order to get articles of incorporation or organization, you must first collect a number of important documents and information about your business. The following are some of the required pieces of information that need to be filed in order to be recognized as a fully-formed business:
- Name of business
- Address and name of its registered agent
- Number of shares it can issue
- Duration of formation
- Contact information for members
- Purpose of the company
The articles of incorporation and organization lawyers at Arenson Law Group, PC are experienced in the complicated legal matter of obtaining these documents and successfully filing them for our clients.
Contact an Articles of Incorporation / Organization Lawyer in Cedar Rapids Today
If you are in need of legal assistance as you file to become a legitimate corporation or company, please contact the experienced Cedar Rapids articles of incorporation and organization attorneys at Arenson Law Group, PC. Our team is well-equipped to answer your questions and further explain business concepts as you make important decisions about your company or corporation. Please call (319) 220-6700 today for more information.