Iowa Corporate Control Attorneys
When they begin to underperform and become undervalued, publicly traded corporations can make for attractive targets for takeover. That being said, if you are considering taking action to acquire corporate control of another business in Iowa, you should reach out to an attorney from the Arenson Law Group, PC, to discuss your options. We have the kind of experience and resources you will need to work within the legal framework set forth by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including the Williams Act of 1968.
Tender Offers
If you plan on proposing tender offer to gain corporate control of a publicly traded company in Iowa—with or without the consent of the management or board of the target corporation—you will need to be sure that your proposal is in accordance with every applicable law. In particular, we will need to detail your intentions for acquisition in your filing with the SEC and with the target company. Our lawyers will be able to help you understand all of the legal implications of your proposal—specifically in regards to any legal impediments you may come up against during the process of acquisition—and, should it be necessary, help you weigh the legal implications of any alternative courses of action.
Negotiated Purchases
If you plan to work with the board and management of the target company directly by arranging the terms of your acquisition, our firm can help you understand the legal obligations specified in any contractual obligations that may be negotiated by the target company. Though it probably goes without saying, the legal work involved in the transfer of corporate control from one entity to another can be exceedingly complex without the help of an attorney. That being said, we can help you understand the legal implications of each of the decisions you will need to make as you work toward the formal absorption of the target company.
Proxy Contests
If it will be necessary to convince a group of shareholders that it will be in their best interests to help you assume corporate control, you will need to work within the applicable regulations and laws to affect the kind of change you believe is necessary. That being said, our firm can help you make informed legal decisions as you work through the process of attempting to remove one or more board members so that you can choose a board member more in line with your own views.
Consult with a Corporate Control Attorney in Iowa
Whatever course of action by which you plan to assume corporate control of a business in Iowa, our firm has the kind of experience and resources you will need to ensure that your transaction will not be impeded by any applicable law. At the Arenson Law Group, PC, we are a forward-thinking group of lawyers that is committed to protecting the best interests of our clients as they assume corporate control of their target company. To speak with a corporate control attorney in Iowa about the particulars of a proposed acquisition, please call our offices at (319) 220-6700 today.