Cedar Rapids Powers of Attorney Lawyers

Power of attorney is a court-recognized document that allows an individual to authorize someone to act for them in making a legal decision if they become unable to. You may be considering granting another individual power of attorney to operate on your behalf in matters ranging from approving your medical procedures to executing financial transactions for your estate. Whatever your goals, Arenson Law Group, PC are experienced attorneys you can trust in choosing one or more individuals as your powers of attorney.

Our knowledgeable Cedar Rapids power of attorney lawyers will personally guide you through the often challenging and stressful legal process of granting powers of attorney to someone close to you. We are here to help you give your loved ones the peace of mind they deserve, should you become unable to make legal decisions on your own. The compassionate and highly-qualified lawyers at Arenson Law Group, PC are ready to personally aid you in all matters relating to power of attorney legal services. To learn more about what we can do for you, call us today at (319) 220-6700.

Why Do I Need Arenson Law Group, PC?

Power of attorney is a complex and highly important document. A single mistake can render it invalid, creating major problems if you ever do become incapable of making decisions for yourself. If your wishes are at all unclear, you leave out important details, or you fail to include preferences about certain eventualities, your future could turn out very differently from how you want.

A lawyer from Arenson Law Group, PC can ensure that your powers of attorney document is clear, comprehensive, and legally binding. This is the best way to ensure that your wishes about your finances and healthcare are respected in the event you are unable to advocate for yourself. We have over three decades of experience in estate law, including powers of attorney documents. With your future at stake, you need us on your side to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Powers of Attorney Cases We Handle

If you become mentally or physically unable to make decisions affecting your finances and healthcare, the person or persons you designate as your powers of attorney may legally act on your behalf to make those important choices. Your financial power of attorney is an agent that you choose to take actions solely within a particular area of executing your finances or estate.

There area wide variety of financial possibilities that the lawyers at Arenson Law Group, PC will help you navigate in designating one or more individuals as your financial powers of attorney. A financial power of attorney is a complex legal decision as it affects many areas of your estate. You may grant authorize a financial power of attorney to make decisions in any of the following legal matters:

  • Paying day-to-day bills and expenses
  • Transferring capital or property to a trust you have established
  • Investing your capital in mutual funds, stocks, and bonds
  • Operating your business
  • Collecting your income
  • Filing and paying taxes on your behalf
  • Purchasing insurance policies for you
  • Handling transactions with banks and other financial brokerage firms
  • Managing your 401K or other IRA accounts
  • Hiring an attorney to represent your business or estate in court
  • Claiming any assets or property you may inherit or to which you have a legal entitlement

Moreover, if you choose to authorize a medical power of attorney, all major healthcare choices, including any procedure not directly related to end-of-life care, will be the decision of your designated individual. In Iowa, assigning a loved one power of attorney for your healthcare gives that person (the attorney-in-fact) the right to make day-to-day healthcare choices without the court’s authorization.

It is not necessary to designate the same person to handle both your health care decisions and financial decisions. Furthermore, it is also wise to authorize an alternate medical power of attorney in the rare event that the person you designate as your first choice for power of attorney is unable, or for some reason unwilling, to serve as your legal decision-maker. You may also legally revoke power of attorney at any time, however, as long as you are of sound mind and make this communication clear to the person that you have designated.

Whether you are interested in assigning someone to be your power of attorney in making future financial or medical decisions, the experienced lawyers at Arenson Law Group, PC are here to serve all of your legal needs.

Call Us Today

Whatever your current medical situation or the specific financial variables of your estate, the estate planning lawyers at Arenson Law Group, PC are ready to help you make the crucial choices of designating powers of attorney if you become physically or mentally impaired. We will work closely with you to determine the individuals best qualified to act on your behalf in making future decisions related to your health care, property, income, and assets. Our attorneys are dedicated to addressing every legal matter important to you. Call Arenson Law Group, PC at (319) 220-6700 to get started in planning your family’s future today.

(319) 220-6700