Cedar Rapids Forced Sales Lawyers

Sharing the benefits of property ownership with another party can be rewarding and satisfying. As a creditor, you might have enabled a family to purchase their first home. They get to enjoy setting down roots while you financially benefit from their loan payments. If you share the ownership of real estate with someone else, you might also share responsibilities. Having someone else shoulder burdens that necessarily arise with owning property can be a huge relief. However, some people find themselves at a loss when one property owner fails to come through. This issue might involve a default on loans to a bank or other lending institutions. It could also include a disagreement about what to do with jointly owned property.

Someone else could be negatively impacting a property in which you have a vested interest. If this is the case, you might be losing money and peace of mind. Thankfully, the law has measures in place meant to help you recover losses caused by disputes among multiple property owners. The forced sale real estate attorneys at Arenson Law Group, PC can help you review your options, decide on the best course of action, and, if necessary, legally carry through with a forced sale.

Causes of a Forced Sale

If you are looking for a way to recuperate any of the losses you are facing because of a debtor or an irresponsible property owner, a skilled legal team can help you. Even if you do not have a forced sale in mind, our real estate attorneys will analyze the specifics of your situation and identify your legal options. A forced sale might be an available recourse to settle a dispute among multiple property owners. It could also be a way for creditors to collect on debts.

A forced sale might arise in the following circumstances:

  • Multiple property owners disagreeing about whether to sell the real estate or keep it
  • A creditor wanting to collect debts from the property owner
  • Multiple property owners unable to decide what to do with the property they are keeping

Putting a forced sale in motion can be a difficult decision to make. In a consultation, one of our experienced attorneys can help you figure out whether this process will be best for you. Our skilled legal team can also help you with every step of the forced sale.

Contact Us

If you are trying to resolve a property dispute through a forced sale, the real estate attorneys at Arenson Law Group, PC are ready to bring our knowledge and experience to bear for you. Call us today at Arenson Law Group, PC to speak with a skilled legal professional about the specifics of your situation.

(319) 220-6700