Zoning, Variances, and Permits Lawyer In Cedar Rapids

Whether working on a residential, private, or commercial property, zoning and permits can be extremely difficult to handle. These elements of real estate determine what, when, and where you are allowed to build, as well as the dimensions and specifics of your building. Obtaining the zoning and permits that you need in order to begin construction can be a long process that may delay or completely halt your construction progress. If you do not follow these regulations, however, you may face severe legal consequences for your actions.

Before you begin constructing, contact a Cedar Rapids zoning, variances, and permits lawyer from Arenson Law Group, PC to help you better understand your options. Our lawyers are knowledgeable about real estate law and can help you navigate this complex subject.

Table Of Contents

    Improper Zoning, Variances, or Permits

    Zoning refers to government laws which control the types of properties that may be developed on what land. These laws specifically determine whether a piece of physical land may be used for residential, industrial, commercial, or recreational activities. Zoning laws may regulate:

    • Dimensional requirements
    • Building layout
    • Animals allowed on the land
    • Natural resources that may be extracted

    Zoning for a particular piece of land is not permanent, however, and can be changed through a variance request. Variances allow for the property owner to deviate from current zoning requirements in order to use the land more effectively. Understanding zoning and any variances you may require are essential when applying for a building permit. Some of the legal consequences for violated zoning or permits include:

    • Fines
    • Revoked operating licenses
    • Civil charges
    • Imprisonment
    • Removal of illegal structure as owner’s expense
    • Refusal of future permits
    • Inability to sell or resell the property

    Applying for permits and appropriate variances is expensive and time-consuming. Although it may appear upfront to be worthwhile to violate zoning or build without a permit, the consequences can be severe. These consequences can not only cost you thousands of dollars, but they may also affect your ability to buy, sell, and build property in the future.

    Contact a Cedar Rapids Zoning, Variances, and Permits Lawyer

    Obtaining zoning variances and building permits can be a frustrating and difficult task. It may seem almost impossible to do so and maintain your construction schedule. However, it is essential to follow these regulations, and a zoning, variances, and permits lawyer from Arenson Law Group, PC can help. Contact us at (319) 220-6700 to discuss your project today.

    Click here to learn more about our real estate law practice.

    (319) 220-6700